Walk This Way
Walk this way! I thoroughly enjoy a great walk! It gets my blood pumping, massages and opens my spine from sitting and it’s great for my mental health. I heard that a 10-minute walk can solve any problem. Why is that? Here’s some answers I came up with my “why?”.
1) It heavily influences us to be present in the moment. For example, noticing how your body feels as you move it. You can take a “body scan” from your head to your feet as you walk.
2) Nature, nature, nature! Similar to being present in the moment, but outside! You may notice: 1) the wind blowing 2) the warmth of the sun 3) a butterfly or bird flying 4) leaves rustling, etc.
3) If we allow it, we can think about something else or blow off the steam of our problem/s! See 1 and 2! If you have a walking buddy, you both can walk and talk off some steam together!
4) Most people and some pets, and of all ages, can walk together! Kids and adults of all ages (based on mobility ability) can come together for a common cause.
5) It’s free! Well, you may have to purchase some supportive shoes every so often. Mostly, it’s free!
6) You know what else is great about a walk? How it encourages digestion! Think about it. Let’s say you are sitting at work all morning. After you eat, you sit. I know this doesn’t apply to everyone, but most people are sitting before and after meal times. It’s great to get up and move after you eat as It promotes movement inside too, of course. This action also benefits your heart, blood sugar levels and blood pressure. In fact, doing a 10-minute walk 3 times a day is very beneficial to your health!
If you like to walk for longer periods, here’s some links to check out the All Trails in Fargo and the North Country Trail Association that you can specify the state:
Enjoy your walks & “walk this way”! :)