Nutrition Counseling Services

Discover expert guidance and personalized nutrition plans with our registered dietitian. Sustainable change requires ongoing support and motivation. Our dietitian is your partner in progress, helping you stay on track and make adjustments as needed. Let's embark on your journey to better health!

Two people sitting at a table holding mugs indoors.
  • •Behavior and medical nutritional modification therapy for adults and kids.

    •Focus on building a healthy relationship with food as a foundation to lifestyle changes.

    •Empower you to feel more confident in making healthy habits a priority.

    •Goal setting with supportive follow ups.

Open planner with a July 2018 calendar page, placed on a cork board, with a pen and small plant branches.
  • •How to choose nutrient dense foods.

    •What are macros and how to count them.

    •Detailed meal plans based on your specific health goals.

    •Grocery lists


    •Food prep guides

    •Individual meal planning

    •Family meal planning

    •Scheduling available soon!

Person cooking vegetables in a frying pan, using a wooden spatula, by a window.
  • •Weight Management - prioritize fat loss while retaining lean, healthy muscle.

    •Intuitive Eating - earn to listen to your body's hunger and satiation cues to improve your relationship with food.

    •Heart Healthy - nutrition specific to preventing or managing cardiovascular disease such as heart failure or coronary artery disease.

    •Type 2 Diabetes - improve and stabilize blood sugar levels with optimal nutrition.

    •Blood Pressure Control - reduce blood pressure with nutrition specific changes.

    •High Fiber - improve gut health, digestion, bowel regularity by increasing daily fiber intake.

    •Low Cholesterol - lower your risk of atherosclerosis, heart attack, or stroke by optimizing your diet.

Vegetables arranged in baskets at a grocery store.
  • •Our registered dietitian will accompany you on a grocery store visit.

    •You will learn how to select food to fit your specific nutritional goals and lifestyle.

    •Navigate the grocery store like an experienced dietitian.

    • Learn how to pick the best and most convenient produce.

    • Learn how to read a food label, serving sizes, ingredients lists, and avoid marketing schemes.

    •You'll have the confidence in optimal decision for your well-being, productivity, and financial situation. It's like having a nutrition expert readily available as you head to the store!

    •Scheduling available soon!

  • •Comprehensive evidence-based program with our registered dietitian & certified Intuitive Eating counselor Karla Lund.

    •Learn to pay attention to hunger and satisfaction cues.

    •Stop feeling distressed about food.

    •Cultivate a profound connection with your mind and body.

    •You were born with all the wisdom you need for eating intuitively. This program will help you reconnect with that wisdom and ultimately change your life—one meal at a time.

    Read more about it here!

Kitchen counter with a tablet on a stand displaying a recipe, alongside cooking accessories, a bowl of limes, and a pot on the stove.
  • •Coming soon