Dietitian Insurance
Eligibility Questions

The steps and questions below are intended to guide you through
asking your insurance carrier about your eligibility for dietitian visits. 

  1. Call the customer service phone number on your card. 

  2. Give them your group ID number and verify your information.

  3. Ask what coverage you have for dietitian visits. Here’s some specific questions to ask, if they don’t tell you:

A.  What are the maximum number of dietitian visits that I can have?_____________________

B.  What is the timeframe I have for the dietitian visit/s? More specifically, is it covered until the first of the year or per contract date? _____________________________________________

If it is by contract date, ask when your contract expires. _____________________________________________

C.  Do the dietitian visits all have to be in-person?   Yes    No 

D.  Is there coverage for telehealth visits?     Yes    No 

E.  Can visits be preventive and/or medical? _____________________________________________

F.   If they ask for a “procedure or CPT code”, say:  97802, 97803 and S9470

G.  Is there a copay?   Yes    No   Other _____________________________________________

H.  If you have a high deductible plan:

  1. Is this dietitian in or out-of-network? ________________________________________

  2. If in-network, what is the in-network deductible that you need to reach to receive coverage for dietitian visits? ________________________________________

  3. If out-of-network, what is the out-network deductible that you need to reach to receive coverage for dietitian visits? ________________________________________

  4. How much have you currently met towards the deductible? ________________________________________

I.   What is the reference number for this call?  _______________________________________

J.  What is the name of the customer service representative? _____________________________