Seasonal produce guide

One of our patients was curious to know what fruits and vegetables are best in which season. Here’s a list! Refer to this list as inspiration to get in your daily intake of fruits and vegetables. For ages 13 years and up, most people need 2 servings of fruit and 3 servings of vegetables per day as recommended by the Dietary Guidelines for Americans.

what is a serving of fruit print out guide
what is a serving of vegetable print out guide
spring and summer product seasonal fruit guide
fall and winter product seasonal fruit guide

*Check out the USDA SNAP-Ed site for more information on herbs: 

For a deeper dive on fruit serving sizes:
USDA MyPlate Fruit Group – One of the Five Food Groups

For more information on vegetables serving sizes:

Karla Lund - Registered Dietitian

Karla is a registered dietitian with expertise in Weight Management Level I and as a Certified Intuitive Eating Counselor at Progress Weight Management in Fargo, ND.


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